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our story

In August 2017, our worlds turned upside down and our lives changed forever.  I went into premature labor at 20 weeks with our twins while my husband was in an airport trying to find another flight home from a business trip. We lost our angels, Ella and Miles, on our wedding anniversary, making what was once the happiest day of our lives, a date now filled with tears, pain and claimed by a tragedy we couldn’t understand. After months of therapy, doctor consultations, and a little encouragement, we decided to try again, but would suffer the same fate with the loss of our sweet son, Noble, the following Spring.  They say that loss, tragedy, and illness will change you.  And we now know this to be true. 

Life had new meaning.  We looked back and realized that, like many, we had spent most of our adult lives chasing after ever-distant success -- building careers, pushing for the next promotion and title jump, even at the expense of neglecting those we professed to love most, but never quite being satisfied or fulfilled and too busy to stop to pinpoint exactly why. 

On the very day that we said our last goodbye to Miles and Ella, my husband and mother took me to a home for sale that they thought I might like.  A modest home built in the 1920’s but restored, bridging the divide between new and old.  After moving from the entry to the dining room to the kitchen to the deck, I wept.  I didn’t need to see the rest of the house.  I had felt its soul and it was beautiful, a testament to the lives of those who had lived there before.

This home became our place of healing – safeguarding and holding us tight, quietly catching all of our tears, reverberating those rare moments of laughter so that they could last a little longer, and offering daily glimpses of light to remind & encourage us to keep hoping and dreaming.  We believe that a home is more than a place to sleep after a long day. For us, a home is a beautiful way to frame life’s next chapter.  It’s a Dose of Grace.

Reclaim to Reframe

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